Article at a Glance:

  • Cone pieces are an essential part of a bong and play a crucial role in a smooth and seamless smoking experience.
  • Cone pieces come in a variety of sizes, colours and shapes. We guide you on how to choose the right cone piece for your bong.
  • Packing your cone piece with cannabis correctly can enhance your smoking session so you taste the full flavour profile of your chosen strains.
  • All bongs at Glass Bongs Australia come with a cone piece and downstem.

A cone piece, also known as a bowl, is an integral cog in the bong smoking machine. Not only do they play a pivotal role in producing smooth and flavourful hits but they help make the overall bong smoking experience easy and hassle-free.

Cone pieces also provide a safe and comfortable haven for your ground cannabis to sit and be ignited for a delicious and extraordinary bong rip.

If you're new to bong smoking or need a refresher on what cone pieces are, how to use them and which one will suit your new bong or rig, this will provide you with everything you need to know about cone pieces.


Woman Holding A Teal Glass Cone Piece

A cone piece, also known as a bowl, is essential for a smooth bong smoking experience.

It is a removable attachment used to hold your ground cannabis. It’s either inserted into or placed over the downstem which is placed through a hole directly into the chamber holding water.

Many cone pieces are removable making them easy to use and clean after use. They are made from a variety of materials with glass and metal being the most popular as they’re heat-resistant and extremely durable.

Removable cone pieces allow you to easily customise your rig with new and exciting colours, shapes and designs. Plus, they’re quick and easy to replace if one breaks or is overused.


Woman holding a funnel glass cone piece

Cone pieces are generally made from glass or metal or silicone. The cone piece needs to withstand extreme temperatures as it comes into direct contact with heat and therefore is made from heat-resistant glass or metal.

Glass cone pieces perform better than metal as they’re cleaner and don’t allow any nasty properties or chemicals invading your smoke. Glass cone pieces are often thicker making them easier to handle (especially when they’re hot) and produce smooth, even and more flavourful tasting rips.

Despite glass being able to withstand intense temperatures, they can be fragile and fall victim to breakages due to mishandling or accidentals drops. Whereas metal cone pieces can cope with rough handling and usage.

Types Of Cone Pieces

Bong with a glass cone piece

When selecting the appropriate cone piece for your bong, it is important to meticulously assess the unique characteristics of different materials. Glass and metal cone pieces all offer their own distinct benefits and drawbacks, catering to a diverse array of preferences and smoking encounters.

Glass Cone Pieces:


  • Purity of Flavour: Glass cone pieces possess inert properties, signifying that they do not emit any additional flavours or chemicals when subjected to heat. As a result, you can fully savour the unadulterated taste of cannabis without any disruptions caused by the cone piece material.
  • Heat Resistant: Glass cone pieces are renowned for their exceptional heat resistance, which contributes to their remarkable durability and longevity in comparison to alternative materials such as plastic or metal. The capacity to endure elevated temperatures guarantees that the cone piece remains unaffected by warping or the emission of hazardous substances when subjected to heat.
  • Customisation: Glass cone pieces are available in a diverse range of shapes, sizes, and designs, providing users with the opportunity to customise their smoking experience. This level of personalisation can greatly enhance the visual appeal of the bong while also catering to individual preferences.
  • Simple To Clean: Maintaining and cleaning glass cone pieces is typically a straightforward process. These pieces can be conveniently soaked in cleaning solutions such as Formula 420 or washed using soap and water, guaranteeing a pristine and enjoyable smoking experience each time they are used.


  • Fragile: Glass cone components are generally more delicate in comparison to their metal or plastic equivalents. If not handled with care or accidentally dropped, they can easily break and may require a replacement.
  • Cost: Glass cone pieces tend to be more expensive compared to other materials. Although they come with a range of advantages, the initial cost might be higher, especially for handcrafted or artistically created pieces.
  • Conducts Heat: Although glass cone pieces are designed to withstand high temperatures, they are still capable of conducting heat. As a result, the cone piece can become hot while in use, which can be dangerous if touched accidentally and may cause burns.
  • Transparancy: Although glass cone pieces offer the advantage of visibility, some users might consider the transparency to be a disadvantage. This is because it can make the resin buildup more noticeable. It is important to regularly clean the cone pieces in order to maintain their aesthetic appeal.
  • Weight: Glass cone pieces can contribute to the overall heaviness of a bong, particularly when they possess substantial size or intricate patterns. This additional weight has the potential to diminish the bong's portability and potentially impact its stability.

Metal Cone Pieces:


  • Durability: Metal cone pieces are renowned for their robustness and ability to withstand damage, making them an enduring choice for individuals who use bongs. Unlike glass, metal cone pieces are less prone to breaking in the event of accidental drops.
  • Conducts Heat: Metal cone pieces are highly effective in conducting heat, resulting in faster and more uniform combustion of cannabis. This ensures a consistently satisfying smoking session.
  • Affordability: Metal cone pieces are frequently priced lower than their glass counterparts, making them a cost-effective choice for individuals seeking to elevate their smoking experience without exceeding their budget.
  • Low Maintenance: Metal cone pieces require minimal upkeep and are effortless to keep clean. They are highly resistant to the accumulation of resin, and a simple wipe or rinse is all that's needed to restore their cleanliness after use.
  • Weight: Metal cone pieces are usually lightweight, which can be beneficial for individuals who favour a smoking setup that is easily portable or suitable for travel.


  • Heat Retention: Although metal cone pieces are effective at conducting heat, they also have the drawback of retaining heat for extended periods. As a result, the cone piece can become dangerously hot during use, increasing the risk of accidental burns.
  • Flavour Alteration: Cone pieces made of metal have the potential to change the taste of cannabis because of the properties of the material. Certain users might detect a subtle metallic flavour, which could affect the overall enjoyment of smoking.
  • Oxidation & Corrosion: Over a period of time, metal cone pieces can become vulnerable to oxidation and corrosion, especially if they are not adequately cleaned and maintained. This can have an impact on both the visual appeal and the performance of the cone piece.
  • Limited Customisation: Metal cone pieces, unlike their glass counterparts, have a restricted range of options when it comes to customisation in terms of appearance and design. This might not be attractive to individuals seeking a smoking accessory that is more personalised and visually appealing.
  • Visibility: Metal cone pieces typically have a solid appearance, preventing users from observing the smoke as it passes through the bong. This limited visibility might diminish the overall experience for certain individuals.


Woman showing off a clear funnel glass cone piece

When it comes to building a comprehensive bong setup, it is crucial to grasp the distinction between male and female cone pieces.

  • Male Cone Piece: A male cone piece has a stem that sticks out and is inserted into the downstem of the bong.
  • Female Cone Piece: A female cone piece has an opening that fits over the downstem.

The main difference lies in their compatibility with the downstem - a male cone piece is designed to fit into a female joint, while a female cone piece is made to accommodate a male joint.

The male and female cone components collaborate to create a fully functional bong arrangement. By inserting the male cone piece into the female joint of the downstem, a solid connection is formed, effectively preventing the escape of air and smoke. This arrangement promotes optimal airflow and enables tight seals, which are essential for generating dense and flavourful inhalation

Similarly, the combination of a female cone piece and a male joint downstem ensures stability and a tight fit, eliminating any wobbling or instability while smoking. This secure connection enhances the overall smoking experience, enabling users to fully savour the flavours and effects of their preferred cannabis strain without any disruptions or leaks.


Woman placing a glass cone piece in bong

Accurately measuring your bong or cone piece is an important task when searching for a new cone piece, as it ensures a proper fit and enhances your smoking experience. Whether you're replacing an old cone piece or upgrading to a new one, it is crucial to take precise measurements to determine the correct size. This process is fairly simple and involves identifying the joint size and gender of your bong or cone piece.

When determining the size of your bong or cone piece, you will typically be left with three possible measurements:

  • 10mm
  • 14mm
  • 18mm

These measurements directly correspond to the diameter of the joint where the cone piece is inserted. It is crucial to understand that these measurements are universally standardised, ensuring seamless compatibility and interchangeability between various bongs and cone pieces.

To begin, you should measure the width of the connection point on your bong or the entrance of your current cone piece. This can be achieved by utilising a ruler or calipers for precise determination of the dimensions. Once you have obtained the measurement, it will typically fall into one of three categories: 10mm, 14mm, or 18mm. This measurement denotes the size of the joint and will determine the appropriate size for the replacement cone piece.

Next, you will have to determine the gender of the joint, which can be either male or female. This can be accomplished by observing if the joint has a projecting stem (male) or a receptacle that fits over the downstem (female). It is crucial to ensure that the new cone piece possesses the opposite gender of the joint on your bong in order to guarantee a correct and secure fit.

After identifying the appropriate joint size and gender, you can move forward with choosing a cone piece that corresponds to these specifications. It is essential to verify that the joint size and gender of the new cone piece are compatible with your bong or existing cone piece. This ensures a tight and dependable fit, allowing for a smooth and enjoyable smoking session.


Woman with a cone piece packed with cannabis

Packing a cone piece is the first step to ripping the perfect bong. Simply grind your cannabis to a fluffy, even and light consistency using a weed grinder. Pack as much or as little of the herb (or as much as your cone piece allows) into the cone piece. Start off by pressing your cannabis into the bowl lightly and then press the remainder of your herb more firmly. This will allow for a more consistent and even burn ensuring you don’t waste any of your precious product and enjoy a tasty and full-bodied smoke.

How To Clean A Cone Piece?

Metal cone piece in a glass bong

Having a clean cone piece is crucial if you want to have the best possible smoking experience. It doesn't matter if you're using a glass or metal cone piece, regular cleaning is necessary to preserve the purity of the flavour, the airflow, and the overall functionality of your bong. Clean cone pieces not only result in smoother hits and better taste, but they also help extend the lifespan of your smoking equipment.

Benefits Of A Clean Cone Piece:

  • Enhanced Flavour: Buildup and residue that accumulate in the cone piece have the potential to alter the taste and overall experience of your herbs. By ensuring that your cone piece is clean, you can fully enjoy the authentic and untainted flavour of your preferred herbs or concentrates.
  • Improved Airflow: A properly cleaned cone piece enables unimpeded airflow, resulting in smoother and more consistent inhalations. This not only enhances the enjoyment of smoking but also reduces the amount of effort needed to draw smoke through the bong.
  • Longevity: Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential for preventing the accumulation of residue, which can cause blockages, erosion, or harm to the cone piece and downstem. By practicing proper cleaning techniques, you can effectively prolong the lifespan of your bong and its accompanying accessories.

Cleaning Your Cone Piece:

Option 1: Alcohol & Coarse Salt

  1. Disassemble Bong: Start by delicately removing the cone section from the downstem and taking apart any other detachable components of your bong to ensure a comprehensive cleaning.
  2. Soak In Alcohol: Begin by placing the cone piece, whether it is made of glass or metal, inside a sealable container or plastic bag. Then, add some rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) along with coarse salt. Give the container a gentle shake to evenly distribute the mixture across the interior of the cone piece.
  3. Scrub & Rinse: After immersing the cone component in liquid for a few hours, utilise either a pipe cleaner or cotton swab to scrub both the inside and outside surfaces. Once the cone piece is free of dirt, thoroughly rinse it with warm water to eliminate any lingering residue.

Option 2: Formulated Liquid Bong Cleaner

  1. Remove Cone Piece: To begin disassembling your bong, carefully detach the cone piece from the downstem and separate any other removable parts of your bong. This will ensure a thorough cleaning of all components.
  2. Apply Cleaner: If you opt for a trustworthy liquid cleaner designed specifically for bongs, like Formula 420, it is crucial to meticulously adhere to the instructions provided on the product label. Generally, the process involves placing the cone piece inside a zip lock bag or a plastic container and pouring the cleaner into it until the cone piece is completely submerged. Allow it to soak for the recommended duration as indicated on the packaging.
  3. Scrub, Rinse & Dry: After the suggested amount of time for soaking, employ a gentle brush or pipe cleaner to eliminate any lingering substances. Once you are satisfied with the outcome, thoroughly rinse the cone attachment using warm water to ensure the complete removal of any remaining cleaning agent and residue.


All bongs at Glass Bongs Australia come with a cone piece and downstem that fit that specific bong. This means you can let it rip as soon as the package arrives on your doorstep. We always recommend to have a few cone pieces and downstems extra for safe-keeping just in case you experience accidental breakages. You never want the clock to strike 4:20pm and be without a cone piece now, would you?

How To Remove Cone Piece From Stem?

Woman lighting packed glass cone piece

Knowing the proper technique for safely detaching a cone piece from the downstem is crucial to prevent any harm and achieve a seamless transition, whether you're cleaning your bong or replacing cone pieces. Allow us to provide you with a detailed, step-by-step guide to effortlessly and accurately navigate through this procedure.

Steps For Carefully Removing A Cone Piece:

  1. Get Your Workspace Ready: Prior to starting, make sure you have a well-organised and tidy workspace. It's a good idea to have a towel or soft cloth to place your bong on, which will help avoid any unintended scratches or harm.
  2. Begin By Delicately Twisting & Pulling: Commence the process by gently twisting the cone piece while simultaneously pulling it upwards. This twisting action aids in loosening any accumulated resin or debris, thereby facilitating the removal of the cone piece without applying excessive force.
  3. Lubricate If Necessary: If the cone piece appears to be stuck, you can try using a small amount of lubricant, like vegetable oil or warm water, around the area where the cone piece connects with the downstem. This will help loosen any buildup and make it easier to remove.
  4. Avoid Excessive Force: It is essential to practice patience and refrain from using excessive force when removing the cone piece. Applying an excessive amount of pressure can result in harm to both the downstem and the cone piece itself.
  5. Inspecting for Residue: After removing the cone piece, it is essential to carefully examine both the downstem and the removed cone piece for any lingering residue. This is a perfect opportunity to thoroughly clean these components before putting them back together.

Preventing Damage To Your Bong & Cone Piece:

  • Regular Maintenance: Regular upkeep is essential for maintaining the cleanliness of your bong and cone pieces. Make it a habit to regularly clean them to prevent the accumulation of stubborn residue, which can make it more challenging to remove later on.
  • Avoid Sudden Temperature Changes: To prevent any difficulties in removing the cone piece, it is important to avoid sudden temperature changes. Glass can expand or contract when exposed to rapid temperature fluctuations, which can make it harder to remove. It is recommended to let your bong reach room temperature before attempting to remove the cone piece.
  • Treat With Caution: When managing your bong and cone pieces, it is crucial to handle them delicately and refrain from sudden movements that may result in unintentional harm.

By diligently following these guidelines and implementing proven techniques, you can confidently and successfully detach the cone piece from your bong, without any concern of causing harm to the downstem or cone piece. This will enable you to seamlessly proceed with any necessary maintenance or customisation tasks.

How To Make A Cone Piece

Woman lighting glass cone piece in bong

At Glass Bongs Australia, we do not promote the practice of smokers creating their own cone pieces. Although making a homemade cone piece can be an enjoyable do-it-yourself project, it is important to take into account the disadvantages of using one in comparison to high-quality glass or metal cone pieces available at specialised stores.

  • Health Concerns: Homemade cone pieces created using materials such as aluminum foil may present potential health issues when exposed to heat, as they have the potential to emit harmful substances when directly in contact with a flame.
  • Durability: Durability is a key consideration when it comes to homemade cone pieces. Unlike professionally made glass or metal cone pieces, homemade ones may not offer the same level of durability and longevity. This could result in the need for more frequent replacements.
  • Aesthetics & Functionality: Crafting cone pieces at home may not offer the same level of sophistication and functionality as professionally made ones, which can have an impact on the overall quality of your smoking experience.

Where To Buy Cone Pieces?

Woman removing cone piece and downstem

When it comes to enhancing your bong accessories, Glass Bongs Australia is a standout choice. They are known for offering a wide range of high-quality glass and metal cone pieces that are not only durable but also add vibrancy and versatility to your smoking experience. Here are the reasons why you should seriously consider purchasing from Glass Bongs Australia:

  • Huge Range: Glass Bongs Australia provides a wide selection of cone pieces in different sizes, such as 10mm, 14mm, and 18mm. These cone pieces are available in both male and female variations, catering to your specific needs. Whether you're looking to replace a cone piece or add a touch of style to your rig, Glass Bongs Australia has a comprehensive collection to meet your requirements.
  • Quality & Durability: Glass Bongs Australia takes pride in the quality and durability of their cone pieces. Crafted from robust borosilicate glass, their cone pieces are designed to withstand the test of time, ensuring long-lasting performance. With exceptional heat resistance, these glass cone pieces deliver unmatched reliability. For those seeking alternative options, they also offer metal cone pieces renowned for their durability and dependability. Rest assured, Glass Bongs Australia is committed to providing you with products that will stand up to the rigors of regular use.
  • Convenience: Glass Bongs Australia guarantees a hassle-free shopping experience by offering daily dispatch for orders placed before 12pm AEDT (Monday - Friday) and free shipping for orders over $150. This ensures convenience and prompt delivery for our customers.

To summarise, when you're looking to buy cone pieces for your bong, it's important to prioritise well-known online smoke shops that provide a wide range of options, high-quality materials, and a user-friendly shopping experience. Expand your smoking sessions by checking out the diverse and adaptable cone pieces offered by these reliable online retailers.

How Much Are Cone Pieces?

Woman holding cone piece and downstem

The price of cone pieces can differ greatly due to various factors such as the materials utilised, the complexity of the design, the longevity of the piece, and the reputation of the brand. Let's explore the primary elements that impact the price range of cone pieces, which can range from simple designs to intricately crafted, hand-blown works of art.

Materials & Construction:

  • Glass Cone Pieces: Borosilicate glass cone pieces have gained a reputation for being incredibly durable, resistant to heat, and capable of delivering a pure and untainted smoking session. Consequently, these pieces often come with a higher price tag compared to alternatives, primarily because of their exceptional quality and meticulous craftsmanship.
  • Metal Cone Pieces: Metal or brass cone pieces and silicone cone pieces are typically cheaper alternatives when compared to their glass counterparts. While glass cone pieces provide durability, brass cone pieces are recognized for their robustness and can have varying prices depending on the complexity of their design.

Design & Craftmanship:

  • Basic Designs: Cone pieces that have simpler and more straightforward designs generally tend to be priced in the lower range. These types of functional pieces provide practicality at a cost that is affordable, thereby making them accessible to a diverse group of users.
  • Intricate Hand-Blown Designs: At the opposite side of the spectrum, handcrafted art pieces made through the delicate process of blowing glass and intricately designed cone shapes are frequently regarded as valuable collectibles. These one-of-a-kind creations, often brought to life by celebrated artists, can fetch high prices because of their captivating beauty and painstaking attention to detail.

Durability & Functionality

  • Durability: The cost of a cone piece can be affected by its durability, regardless of the material it is made from. Cone pieces that are specifically designed to withstand regular use and potential damage may have a higher price tag because they offer long-term value and reliability.

Brand & Reputation:

  • Reputable Brands: Cone accessories manufactured by renowned and respected brands, such as Bud and Higher Concepts, may be more expensive, as they offer the guarantee of superior quality, dependability, and a strong reputation within the smoking industry.

To summmarise, the cost of cone pieces can differ based on materials, design complexity, durability, and brand reputation. To choose the right cone piece for your smoking setup, consider these factors: whether you want a basic functional piece or a unique hand-crafted art piece.


Woman removing glass cone piece from bong

Cone pieces are crucial for enhancing the bong smoking experience. Understanding their joint size, gender, and material is essential for a customised setup. The right cone piece ensures airtight seals, efficient airflow, and stable connections. Finding the perfect cone piece involves accurate measurements and considering joint size and gender. Refer to this guide whenever you need help selecting an ideal cone piece to elevate your bong sessions.

Higher Concepts Glass Cone Piece 14mm

From $19.95

Coin Handle Glass Cone Piece 14mm

Vincent James

About Vincent James

Vincent James isn't just your everyday marijuana enthusiast. He's a true connoisseur who's all about exploring the boundless benefits of medicinal cannabis for thousands of fellow Australians. In his articles, he dives into every facet of smoking, from the coolest bongs and vapes to the essential accessories like grinders and cleaners.